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More Details


Early in my career, I needed to take a break from building my business in favor of a steady paycheck. While working in food service, I continued to learn and practice creating brand identities and illustrations while building websites, and I eventually decided to dip my toes back into client work.

Around this time, I met the incredible Justin Harter through an ad on Authentic Jobs. He took a chance on me, and we did a ton of really great work together.

In 2013, we founded SuperPixel and brought affordable design services to small businesses in Indiana.

Susie’s Place

Among the client roster for SuperPixel was a child advocacy center called Susie’s Place. 

We designed and developed the website, and often created print collateral to promote events and educate donors and the public on the critical work that they do.

It was an honor to work with them over the years.


A rare combination of talent, skills, and empathy

There is a rare class of web developer who can take a website mockup or site plan in almost any condition and just run with it. There is an equally rare class of web designer that can make something out of almost nothing.

And then there is the elite class of designer-developer, capable of doing both of these challenging tasks. Those people are exceedingly rare. Natasha is one of them.

Natasha is a creator who combines a flair for code, systems, and process without sacrificing taste and a helpful design aesthetic.

I hired Natasha and realized she not only possessed this rare combination of valuable skills, but she was also on top of her game in time management and communication, too.

You have before you a talented professional who cares deeply about the web, and I know this to be true because she cared about the users of the sites she and I worked on.

The average lifetime of a website before a significant redesign is about three years, but I know the sites and assets she worked on will be far more resilient. The work she has done for organizations and businesses have an underlying structure and aesthetic that will withstand the rapid headwinds of the Internet.

You should hire Natasha and retain her talent by any means necessary.

Justin Harter

Agency Owner & Creative Director
Made with 💜 in Missouri
Committed to diversity, equity & inclusion.
© 2018-2025. Small Town Creative LLC. All rights reserved.